Saturday, January 29, 2011

paces 4th birthday!!!! and a new years pic!

when pace opened his gifts and we told him to wish the giver something, he said, "I wish you a merry christmas!!!"

this cake scared daph so much she wouldn't even walk past it because it had a motion sensor and popped up and roared. she would say, "mom, I'm scary..."
they drew dinosaurs on their punching balloons and had a 'dinosaur fight"

they molded dinosaur footprints out of giant tootsie rolls

new years!!!! we went outside and had a silly string fight- no pictures of that becaues i wanted to participate and put ty in charge of the camera!!! he only took one of me... i didn't save it

1 comment:

  1. Fun seeing all about Pace's party, cause you know how kids are, they never remember all they did.
    Dang men! Casey struggles when he's on camera duty too.
